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Labour market participation of people with work limitations due to health problems. Findings from the EU Labour Force Survey 2011

september 2016
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
The European Union Labour Force Survey is conducted in the 28 Member States of the European Union (EU-28) and in a few other countries. It is a large household sample survey providing quarterly results on labour participation of people aged 15 and over, as well as on persons outside the labour force. The target population is composed of people living in private households, excluding those living in collective households or in institutions. The national statistical institutes are responsible for selecting the sample, preparing the questionnaires, conducting the face-to-face interviews with households, and forwarding the results to the statistical office of the European Union Eurostat.
September 2016
Internationale context arbeidsmarkt , Gelijke kansen arbeidsmarkt , Arbeidsmarkt
Erik Samoy, Montserrat Gonzalez-Garibay