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Participation tools for co-creation. Guide, Part of deliverable 3.2 of the Co-Adapt project

april 2022
Vlaamse Landmaatschappij
The guide can be used in several ways. It can be used for inspiration or for finding the right tool for your process. You want to involve more people in your project but how do you start? By browsing through this guide you will surely get some ideas. You can do very simple things, such as just sit down at the table in a ‘face to face meeting’ to talk about the project. Maybe your discussion partner is willing to contribute to the project. Or you can ‘go big’ and organize a ‘landscape planning’ in which you ask the whole neighborhood who wants to see happen what and where. But this guide is mainly meant to be a resource for those who are especially looking for a tool to implement cocreation in their project.
April 2022
Natuur, milieu en klimaat