Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: Labor market segmentation and the protean career. The effects on labor market experience
Labor market segmentation and the protean career. The effects on labor market experience
In the recent decennia the labor markets in the Western economies have been undergoing a fundamental change, a change that has also found a reflection in the structure of the contemporary careers. These transformations have been attributed to several conjunct factors, such as the flattening of organizational structures, economic globalization, advances in technology and communication, influx of women on the labor market and growth of the tertiary sector of the economy (Arthur & Rousseau, 1996; Baruch & Bozionelos, 2010; Fuller, 2008).
- Uitgever
- Publicatiedatum
- Augustus 2013
- Publicatietype
- Onderzoeksrapport
- Thema's
- Arbeidsmarkt , Toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt
- Auteur(s)
- Steunpunt Werk en Sociale Economie – Cello, UA, Maxim Kovalenko, Dimitri Mortelmans
- Reeks
- WSE-onderzoeksrapporten