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Effectiveness of a Job Vacancy. Referral Scheme

juni 2016
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
The referral of job seekers to vacancies is a policy that is used by many countries, yet little is known about the effectiveness of this approach. In a meta-analysis of the effectiveness research regarding active labor market policies (ALMP's) (Card et al. 2010), the "Services and Sanctions"- type of ALMP is considered. These are policies that are aimed at enhancing the job search efficiency and effort. Examples are job search courses, job clubs, vocational guidance, counselling and monitoring, and sanctions in the case of non-compliance with job search requirements. The referral procedure clearly belongs to this category. As to their effectiveness, Card et al. (2010) conclude that this type of ALMP turns out to be particularly promising, as, on average, their effects on the probability to leave unemployment towards employment are positive, while at the same time this kind of policies are relatively inexpensive.
Juni 2016
Toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt , Arbeidsmarkt
Steunpunt Werk en Sociale Economie, HIVA , Sherpa UGent, Joost Bollens, Bart Cockx