Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: You work with an ERP system E-invoicing for suppliers

You work with an ERP system

Businesses that generate many invoices often use an ERP system. ‘XML’ and ‘UBL’ are not unfamiliar concepts to the IT people of these businesses. Moreover, you may already be working with a service provider for your e-invoicing?

Go through the road map to ensure you can send correct e-invoices.
Select the scenario that applies to your business, then start at the indicated step in the road map:

  • My business implements the Peppol standard itself and decides to choose an access[WL1] point (start at step 1)
  • My business entrusts the formatting of the Peppol invoice to a third party, and may, or may not, have the choice of which access point to use (skip to step 2)

My business implements the Peppol standard itself and chooses its own access point

  • Stap 1

    If your business implements the Peppol standard, it is important that all required data be correctly stated, and in the correct version, specifically the PEPPOL BIS V3 standard. After all, this ensures that the e-invoice can be loaded by all those involved.

    To verify that your XML is indeed compliant with the Peppol BIS V3 standard, you can validate this Peppol-XML online:

    My Peppol-XML was not successfully validated. Review the error messages, make the necessary adjustments and repeat the validation process.

    My Peppol-XML has been successfully validated. Review the areas of concern below and before proceeding to the next step.

    Also mind the other data t

    Also mind the other data that must be specified correctly in your XML file!

    In addition to the mandatory data, in order to be Peppol-compliant, you should also consider:

    • The statutory legal data, as they apply to any invoice, regardless of its format:
      Check out (opent in nieuw venster)
    • Your customer’s business requirements. These are additional details that your customer will ask you to include in your document, which will be stipulated in the contract documents and upon consultation with you.

    A common example of this is the mandatory order number. To find out which ‘business requirements’ you should apply, it is best to contact the relevant contact person at your government client.

  • Stap 2

    An access point is required in order to communicate through the Peppol network. We recommend the following:

    1. Peppol-approved access points can be found online.

    Consult the recognised access points(opent in nieuw venster)

    Also remember that instead of selecting an external access point, as a large company and frequent shipper, you could also consider becoming an access point yourself.

  • Stap 3

    You will be invited to:

    • Perform the Peppol compliancy test;
    • Send documents to the government access point;

    These tests are coordinated by FPS Policy & Support. Contact FPS Policy & Support at the following e-mail address: in uw e-mail applicatie).

    These tests were conducted successfully. Then proceed to step 4.

  • Stap 4

    It is recommended to perform an ‘end-to-end’ test in order to ensure that e-invoices arrive in good order. That test consists of correctly sending an invoice, a credit note and possibly an annex.

    Although the European e-invoicing Directive will allow you to send e-invoices straight away, without testing, prior testing provides you with the guarantee that when you start to send e-invoices, this will actually work. After successful testing, you can start sending e-invoices! Thousands of government suppliers are now doing this.

    I HAVE already run an end-to-end test

    Great! You have now completed all the steps and you are now certain that you can send e-invoices to the Flemish Government.

    I have NOT yet run an end-to-end test

    Proceed to step 5

  • Stap 5

    To do this, contact your end customer and report that you wish to perform a test, which will always consist of an invoice, a credit note and possibly an annex. You will receive additional information and guidance.

    I ran the end-to-end test successfully.

    Great! You have now completed all the steps and you are now certain that you can send e-invoices to the Flemish Government.