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Martin Mathew

19 december 2022

Martin Mathew first moved from India to Flanders in 2015. He works at Delaware, a Belgian company that delivers advanced ICT solutions and services.

It was not difficult to settle down as the process was rather straightforward.

Why did you choose to move, live, live to Flanders?

Moved to Belgium as an expat for work, fell in love with the province, moved to a Belgian company, learnt Dutch and settled down.

What was your biggest fear about taking the step to another country/part of the world?

Acceptance, discrimination, language barrier.

How were you received in Flanders? How did this reception go?

It was not difficult to settle down as the process was rather straightforward. There was indeed no one who could guide us on the process, it was all self-experience and learning.

Did you easily find your way to the various administrative services to work eg? Possibility to rent/buy a home?

The registration in the city hall was smooth as there are dedicated people who can help you. They informed in detail on the police verification, opening a bank account. Finding a place to rent was a challenge as there was some hesitance from few homeowners to rent it to someone from a different community/country. Also since the contracts are in Dutch, the agency also do not explain the implications and we sometimes see the contract is tailor made for a homeowner.

Do you have any advice for Flanders with regard to the reception policy?

The reception policy is good and smooth. It would be great if the procedure that someone coming to Flanders is already informed to them when they get their VISA because the arrangements can then be done easily and upon arrival in Belgium, do the necessary legal procedures.