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Uploading documents for your application with NARIC-Vlaanderen

To apply for recognition of equivalence of your foreign diploma, you will have to upload a number of documents in the e-portal of NARIC-Vlaanderen.

    The application wizard(opens in new window) provides you with a personalised overview of the documents you need to upload in the e-portal(opens in new window) to submit an application to NARIC-Vlaanderen.

    Guidelines for uploading documents

    Per document, you see a menu where you can upload the documents.

    • JPG, PNG and PDF files only
      Would you like to provide us with additional information? Then please do so in a single PDF. We will process your file faster if we do not have to compile various documents. Check how to convert multi-page documents to a single PDF file.
    • Maximum number of attachments
      You can only upload a certain number of documents per document type. This could be 2, 5 or 10 attachments. The number of attachments is listed in the e-portal per document, e.g. ‘allowed file types are .jpg, .png, .pdf, max 2 attachments allowed’. In case you can only upload 2 documents, for example, you can only upload one PDF and one PNG file.
    • Originals or scans?
      Copies or scans of your documents in colour are sufficient. If we need to see original documents for authenticity purposes , NARIC-Vlaanderen will contact you.
    • Legalisation of documents
      Your documents do not have to include an apostille or any other form of legalisation.
    • What if I can no longer obtain a document?
      If your educational institution can no longer provide a document, they must confirm this in writing.
    • Do I need documents for all degrees obtained?
      Please submit all the relevant documents for the diploma you would like to have recognised:
      • If you are applying for recognition of a secondary education diploma, it may be relevant to submit a diploma or certificate of (a part of) a higher education as additional information.
      • If you are applying for recognition of a higher education diploma which was preceded by another higher education diploma (e.g. a master’s degree which was preceded by a bachelor’s degree), please include all the required documents for the earlier diploma in your file.
      • If you are applying for recognition of a doctorate (PhD), you attach your diploma and the diploma supplement of both your PhD and master’s degree (= underlying diploma)
    Informative overview

    This is an informative overview of documents. You do not need all the documents below for your application. If you complete the questions in the accompanying tool, you will find out which document you need.

    General documents

    General documents

    • Consent form: to verify whether the documents you have provided are authentic, NARIC-Vlaanderen often needs to contact the institution or government that awarded your foreign diploma. NARIC-Vlaanderen could maybe also contact the Ministry of Education. By completing, signing and uploading the consent form(PDF file opens in new window) on your computer, you grant NARIC-Vlaanderen permission to contact the institution or government that awarded your diploma. If you refuse to give permission, we will try to process your application without doing so. Please note: this may lead to delays in the handling of your application or even to your application being closed. This is because we are then unable to authenticate your documents with certainty. For some countries this document is compulsory, for others it can be requested afterwards if necessary. Do you have a diploma from Europe, Ukraine or America? Then NARIC-Vlaanderen will always ask for this document.

    • Declaration of different name on diploma: is the name on your diploma different from the name on your identity documents? If so, please provide an official document explaining the change of name, e.g. a marriage certificate, divorce certificate or proof of gender change. Is this document not in Dutch, Afrikaans, French, English or German? Submit the original and a sworn (official) translation in Dutch, French, English or German. The translation must be done by a​​​​​​ translator who has taken the oath at a Belgian court(opens in new window). Please provide the (PDF file opens in new window)translation guidelines for a sworn translation(PDF file opens in new window) to your translator.

    • Identity document: an official document with your name, date of birth, photo, etc. This document proves who you are. The document must be valid when you apply for your recognition. For example: an identity card, a passport, or an identity card for foreign nationals. A foreign identity document is also valid. Is this document not in Dutch, Afrikaans, French, Afrikaans, English or German? Submit a copy of a Belgian sworn (official) translation into Dutch, French, English or German. The translation must be done by a translator who has taken the oath at a Belgian court(opens in new window). Please note: a certificate of immatriculation (orange card) is not a valid proof of identity.

    • List of publications (especially important for doctorates/PhD’s): a list of your publications, such as essays, papers, academic articles or examples of project work. Is this document not in Dutch, Afrikaans, French, English or German? Translate this document into Dutch, English, French or German.

    • Relevant work experience: an official document that proves your relevant working experience. The document should contain the name and location of the employer, the period you worked there and the tasks you were assigned. The document must be drawn up and signed by your employer. Is this document not in Dutch, Afrikaans, French, English or German? Submit a translation (you may do the translation yourself) in Dutch, French, English or German. Submit the original and the translation. Do you not have this document? Then we cannot take your work experience into account. In addition to any documents you provide to demonstrate your work experience, we will also ask you to complete this form listing your internships and work experience(PDF file opens in new window). This form is needed for applications for:
      • medicine
      • dentistry
      • nursing
      • medical imaging
    • Entitlement to exemption of payment: In some situations, you are entitled to an exemption from payment for an application. For this, you need one of the following proofs:

      • Certificate of OCMW support: a document not more than 3 months old proving that you receive a living wage (leefloon) or social assistance equivalent to a living wage. You need this document if you want to apply for recognition free of charge.

      • Certificate of increased health insurance reimbursements (verhoogde tegemoetkoming): a certificate not more than 3 months old from your health insurance provider. You need this document if you want to apply for recognition free of charge.

      • Certificate of refugee status: a residence card or identity card showing that you are a refugee or a certificate from the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS). You need this document if you want to apply for recognition free of charge.

      • Proof of asylum seeker status: Annex 25 or 26 from Federal Public Service for Home Affairs (FPS Interior) and a valid immatriculation certificate (orange card).

      • Proof of integration: a civic integration contract no older than 3 years. You need this document if you want to apply for recognition free of charge.

      • Proof of subsidiary protection: a residence card or identity card showing that you have subsidiary protection or a certificate from the Office of the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS). You need this document if you want to apply for recognition free of charge.

      • Proof of registration as a job seeker:

        • a pathway agreement or an appointment sheet from the VDAB of up to 2 years old

        • an action plan or a guidance agreement from ACTIRIS or one of its Dutch-speaking partners of up to 2 years old

      документи для подання заяви українською мовою (documents for your application in Ukrainian)

      Titles of documents from other countries

      Documents from Turkey, Morocco, Burundi, Ukraine, Syria and India have specific titles.

      Frequently asked questions