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Cost of an application to NARIC-Vlaanderen

The cost for recognition of equivalence of your diploma depends on the type of recognition you need. For certain categories, the application is free of charge.

Cost of the recognition procedure

Cost of the recognition procedure for a diploma
Type of recognitionCost*
119 euros
238 euros
Specific recognition of a doctorate397 euros

*prices are indexed annually in January in accordance with the Code of Higher Education (Article II.256)

How to pay?

Once you have submitted your file, you will receive an email with instructions for making a bank transfer.

Free of charge for certain categories

Diploma equivalence applications are free of charge for applicants who fall under one of the following categories at the time of their application.

  • Asylum seekers who can present an annex 25 or 26 for asylum seekers, issued by the Public Service for Home Affairs (FPS Interior) combined with a valid immatriculation certificate (orange card).
  • Recognised refugees who can prove their status with a residence card, an identity card or a certificate from the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS).
  • Those under subsidiairy protection who can prove their status with a residence card, an identity card or a certificate from the Commissioner General for Refugees and Stateless Persons (CGRS).
  • Those under temporary protection who can prove their status with a certificate of temporary protection from the Federal Public Service for Home Affairs (FPS Interior)
  • Beneficiaries of increased health insurance reimbursements (verhoogde tegemoetkoming) who can prove this with a recent document from their health insurance provider.
  • People receiving a living wage (leefloon) from a public centre for social welfare (OCMW) or social assistance equivalent to the living wage
  • Those who are integrating and have signed an integration contract (inburgeringscontract) no earlier than 3 years before the application.
  • Jobseekers having signed an individualised guidance contract or individual agreements document (trajectovereenkomst or afsprakenblad) with the VDAB not more than 2 years old.
  • Jobseekers who have:
    • a pathway agreement or an appointment sheet from the VDAB of up to 2 years old

    • an action plan or a guidance agreement from ACTIRIS or one of its Dutch-speaking partners of up to 2 years old.

Providing proof of status

If you belong to one of these groups, upload the relevant document to your online file. That way, you will not have to pay for your application.

Payment exemption: exception for refugees

The payment exemption does not apply for recognised refugees, people under subsidiairy protection and those under temporary protection if they already applied for the same higher education diploma in the past.

Example: you obtained a master’s degree in communication in France and file an application with us to have this diploma recognised. This procedure is free of charge. Was the application close because we did not receive a response from you? Or do you think that you could still obtain recognition for the same master’s degree through providing us with proof for additional training that you followed? Then you will have to pay for this new application.  This measure is only applied in exceptional situations. Exceptional, because we do not simply close an application if not all information or documents are provided; we continue to respect the 6-month deadline for responding and adopt a flexible approach if the applicant indicates that they need more time to forward the information.

The application for a different diploma, such as an undergraduate diploma, is still free of charge for the first application, however.

First application remains free of charge

A first application from asylum seekers, recognised refugees, subsidiary or temporary protected persons is and remains free of charge: they only need to provide proof of their lawful residence status. If an application is made to have the same diploma recognised at a lower level, this also remains free of charge. The same applies to an application submitted to have another diploma recognised.