Equivalence of foreign professional qualifications
Have you obtained your certificate of professional competence as a driving instructor in another country of the EU? Then you can apply to become a driving instructor or driving school director in Flanders.
You must provide the following documents to the Department of Mobility and Public Works:
- a copy of your driving licence
- a copy of your identity card
- a copy of your competence pass.
The Department of Mobility and Public Works will check the validity of your competence pass. After that, you must submit a certificate of good conduct and undergo a medical examination (in Dutch) to see if you are fit and healthy enough to drive and supervise students.
Do you want a Certificate I for driving school director or deputy driving school director? Then you must submit an extract from the Chamber of Commerce, which proves that you have been a driving school director in Europe for at least one year.
Please send your application and all documents to
Vlaamse overheid
Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken
Afdeling Beleid - Mobiliteit en Verkeersveiligheid
Koning Albert II-laan 20 bus 2
1000 Brussel
You will receive your instructor’s certificate as soon as your application has been processed.
You must prove you are proficient in Dutch.