Grant for research infrastructure
Educational institutions and research centres can receive subsidies for infrastructure needed for scientific research.
- Other organisation
Research infrastructure comprises all facilities and sources that promote the performance of cross-border and strategic basic research across all scientific disciplines. Besides scientific infrastructure, this includes collections, natural habitats, corpora and databases (including digital opening up).
- Medium scale research infrastructure is defined as research infrastructure with a total financing cost of at least EUR 150,000 and at most EUR 1,000,000
- Large-scale research infrastructure is defined as research infrastructure with a total financing cost of at least EUR 1,000,000
The International Research Infrastructure (IRI) programme governing the participation in and/or funding of international research infrastructure aims to support the Flemish participation in and/or funding of international investment initiatives that are carried out at large-scale international or supranational facilities to which the Flemish Government contributes and/or whose strategic importance for Flanders can be demonstrated.