Burial plot concessions and concessions for columbaria and urn fields
Partners or families may apply for a burial plot concession if they wish to be buried together. For cremations too, concessions are possible for columbaria and urn fields.
A concession may be used for:
- the applicant
- his/her spouse
- relatives related to him/her by blood or by marriage
- and anyone who has been designated by the concessionaire and who has registered their wish for this with the municipal authority.
When a person dies while they were part of a de facto family at the time, the surviving partner may apply for a concession with the competent authority. Concession applications may also be submitted for a third party and their relatives.
The competent authority sets the term and conditions for granting a concession:
- The municipal council can grant concessions at the municipal cemeteries.
- The intermunicipal cooperation is competent for intermunicipal cemeteries.
The application form for concessions is available from the funeral director or from the Civil Affairs Office (Dutch: dienst Burgerzaken) of your municipality.
The concession term starts on the interment date of the first deceased. The maximum concession term is 50 years.
At least one year ahead of the expiry of the concession, the competent authority will draw up a deed inviting the surviving family to renew the concession, if they so choose. A copy of this deed will be posted by the graveside and at the cemetery entrance for one year. If renewal is not applied for on time, the concession ceases to apply.
Upon request, the competent authority may grant consecutive renewals ahead of the expiry of the concession term, for instance:
- after the death of the original concessionaire
- after each new burial inside the concession
- and at any time.
Renewals may be denied only if, at the time of application, it appears that the concession has been neglected. Neglect may also result in the concession being withdrawn.
The municipal council or the competent body of the intermunicipal cooperation sets the amount of the fee to be paid for a concession.
Decree of 16 January 2004 on cemeteries, burial and cremation