ready. You are currently on: Authorisation to perform itinerant activities (itinerant trader card)

Authorisation to perform itinerant activities (itinerant trader card)

You are performing itinerant trading activities if you seek to sell your products or services to consumers away from the place(s) of establishment of your business. These addresses are registered for each business number in the Crossroads Bank For Enterprises (Dutch: Kruispuntbank voor Ondernemingen(opens in new window)).

In order to sell your products or services on an itinerant basis, you require an ‘authorisation for itinerant activities’ (itinerant trader card).


specific events. Itinerant trading activities may be conducted at public and private markets, on public roads, in the public domain, at buyers’ private homes and at events, commercial car parks and private sites along the public road. Sales at consumers’ private homes are permitted only between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m.

There are three types of authorisation:

  • the authorisation as an employer (whereby you are free to choose whether your sales activities include or exclude sales at consumers’ private homes)
  • the authorisation as appointee A (valid for all employees at all permitted locations, except at consumers’ private homes)
  • the authorisation as appointee B (valid for all employees at all permitted locations, including at consumers’ private homes).

In Flanders, authorisations for itinerant activities are valid only if the pertaining documents as required by law are in order:

  • proof of identity
  • third-party liability and third-party fire risk insurance policy
  • if you sell food: a certificate of approval or a licence issued by the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (Dutch: Federaal Agentschap voor de Veiligheid van de Voedselketen/FAVV).

In order to obtain an authorisation for itinerant activities, including at consumers’ private homes, you need to include a certificate of good conduct and good moral character (Dutch: bewijs van goed gedrag en zeden) as part of your application.


You can apply for an authorisation for itinerant activities from a business counter(opens in new window) of your choice. The business counter (Dutch: ondernemingsloket) receives the applications, checks compliance with the conditions for authorisation and issues or denies the authorisation. Upon receipt of your authorisation, you are automatically registered as a trader in the Crossroads Bank For Enterprises.

The business counters now only issue digital authorisations, which come in the form of a plastic badge containing a QR code. The old paper versions are no longer valid.


Authorisations for itinerant activities cost

  • 150 euros for employers
  • 100 euros for employee-appointees A or B.

An authorisation of limited duration for an employee-appointee B costs 50 euros.


The authorisation is required for enterprises (companies, people who are self-employed as a primary or secondary job). Different rules apply to associations and private individuals (e.g. flea markets).

If you sell products as a business owner to other business owners (B2B), you do not require authorisation. If you present your services at specific (trade) fairs, no authorisation is required either.