Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium) Catalogus

MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium)

  • Dataset


<em>MH_ANTWERPEN - Western marsh harriers (Circus aeruginosus, Accipitridae) breeding near Antwerp (Belgium)</em> is a bird tracking dataset published by the <a href="">Research Institute for Nature and Forest (INBO)</a>. It contains animal tracking data collected by the LifeWatch GPS tracking network for large birds (<a href=""></a>) for the project/study <strong>MH_ANTWERPEN</strong>, using trackers developed by the University of Amsterdam Bird Tracking System (UvA-BiTS, <a href=""></a>). The study was operational from 2018 until 2022. In total 3 individuals of western marsh harriers (<em>Circus aeruginosus</em>) and 1 common buzzard (<em>Buteo buteo</em>) have been tagged in their breeding area near the city of Antwerp (Belgium), mainly to study their habitat use and migration behaviour. Data are periodically uploaded from the UvA-BiTS database to Movebank and from there archived on Zenodo (see <a href=""></a>). No new data are expected.See Milotic et al. (2020, <a href=""></a>) for a more detailed description of this dataset.This dataset was collected using infrastructure provided by INBO and funded by Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO) as part of the Belgian contribution to LifeWatch.Data have been standardized to Darwin Core using the <a href="">movepub</a> R package and are downsampled to the first GPS position per hour. The original data are available in Spanoghe et al. (2023, <a href=""></a>), a deposit of Movebank study <a href=",path=study938783961">938783961</a>.


  • Laatst gewijzigd op 11.12.2024