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Action plan on lifelong learning. Setting sail for a learning Flanders
The Lifelong Learning Partnership was tasked by the Government of Flanders to transform Flanders into a learning society by focusing on synergies and collaboration in the field of lifelong learning and by formulating joint ambitions that will be translated into an action plan. This action plan is the result of a co-creative process that started in the autumn of 2020 and in which members of the Lifelong Learning Partnership discussed ambitions and actions, which were based on input from working groups, information about existing initiatives and experiences within their own field of work. The action plan gradually took shape through a fascinating iterative process. The path we followed is at least as important as the resulting action plan: indeed, lifelong learning is a very broad and complex topic. Achieving a cultural change requires more than just a few individual actions. A shared vision and cooperation are crucial in this respect.
Lees de publicatie
- Uitgever
- Publicatiedatum
- December 2021
- Publicatietype
- Rapport
- Thema's
- Levenslang leren