WFS Voorlopig referentiebestand gemeentegrenzen 2019WFS Voorlopig referentiebestand gemeentegrenzen 2019 Dataservice Toegang zonder voorwaarden
Monitoring of fishes and crustaceans by Province East Flanders in Flanders, BelgiumMonitoring of fishes and crustaceans by Province East Flanders in Flanders, Belgium Dataset Niet publiek
ABV - Common breeding birds in Flanders, BelgiumABV - Common breeding birds in Flanders, Belgium Dataset Niet publiek
2015_PHD_VERHELST_COD - Acoustic telemetry data for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Scheldt estuary and southern North Sea (Belgium)2015_PHD_VERHELST_COD - Acoustic telemetry data for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the Scheldt estuary and southern North Sea (Belgium) Dataset Niet publiek
2015_PHD_VERHELST_EEL - Acoustic telemetry data for European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Scheldt estuary and southern North Sea (Belgium)2015_PHD_VERHELST_EEL - Acoustic telemetry data for European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in the Scheldt estuary and southern North Sea (Belgium) Dataset Niet publiek
2010_PHD_REUBENS - Acoustic telemetry data for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the C-Power wind farm in the southern North Sea (Belgium)2010_PHD_REUBENS - Acoustic telemetry data for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the C-Power wind farm in the southern North Sea (Belgium) Dataset Niet publiek
2015_DIJLE - Acoustic telemetry data for five fish species in the Dijle river (Belgium)2015_DIJLE - Acoustic telemetry data for five fish species in the Dijle river (Belgium) Dataset Niet publiek