Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: Vision Memorandum. Towards a learning and career account in Flanders

Vision Memorandum. Towards a learning and career account in Flanders

maart 2022
Departement Werk en Sociale Economie
The Flemish Government approved the vision memorandum 'Towards a learning and career account in Flanders'. With the learning and career account, we want to put employees at the helm of their own careers and let them find their way to training. The Flemish labour market and society will face major challenges in the coming decades. There is a growing need for specific competences and qualified profiles for continuously changing jobs. On the supply side, there is a large share of people with rapidly ageing skills in longer-lasting careers. Continuing training, up- and reskilling are therefore crucial for a flexible response to this changing labour market and for the social inclusion and resilience of employees. We need to give people the tools to shape and reinforce their own careers through strengthening their skills and following training. The learning and career account is a crucial tool for this, by showing in a clear digital wallet what incentives a person can draw on to follow training and undertake skills enhancement or career guidance. In the long term, we will examine how we can harmonise the package of incentives and how rights to training support can be made more transferable throughout a person's career. The vision paper sets out a growth path for the development of the learning and career account in order to achieve this ambition step by step.
Maart 2022
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