Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: Temporary agency work. A stepping stone towards permanent employment, also for disadvantaged groups?
Temporary agency work. A stepping stone towards permanent employment, also for disadvantaged groups?
This study focuses on the role that the temporary agency employment sector can play in the flexicurity strategy, in which an attempt is made to reconcile flexibility and security, with particular attention to the situation of temporary agency workers from disadvantaged groups.
Lees de publicatie
- Uitgever
- Publicatiedatum
- Juni 2009
- Publicatietype
- Onderzoeksrapport
- Thema's
- Toegang tot de arbeidsmarkt
- Auteur(s)
- IDEA Consult, Anneleen Peeters, An Van Pelt, Daphné Valsamis, Dafne Reymen
- Reeks
- WSE-onderzoeksrapporten