Gedaan met laden. U bevindt zich op: Career patterns in the XX century. An interplay of gender, family and career success
Career patterns in the XX century. An interplay of gender, family and career success
Career patterns have been undergoing substantial transformation during the last several decennia. A large share of the XX century was characterized bij the ideal part of so-called traditional career. This ideal part is no longer the reality for most workers of today.
Lees de publicatie
- Uitgever
- Publicatiedatum
- September 2011
- Publicatietype
- Onderzoeksrapport
- Thema's
- Loopbaan
- Auteur(s)
- Steunpunt Werk en Sociale Economie – CELLO, UA, Dimitri Mortelmans, Maxim Kovalenko
- Reeks
- WSE-onderzoeksrapporten